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How Godpreneurs Wait: Part 5 – Get Uncomfortable

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

If you asked me in 2003 upon graduating Cornell if I was going to be a writer, I would have had a great laugh. I was the guy struggling to pump out a 3-page essay. I found reading and writing to be extremely boring.

In 2014 my business took a major turn. I had already started going back to church in 2008, so I was five or six years into my walk with Christ. But my business wasn’t fully turned over to God, so I made a decision to shut everything down and start over in October of 2014.

In November I found myself in depression. I knew the next few months were going to be rough having lost 90% of my income and a few relationships with great people I loved dearly.

I turned to God and held on even closer to Him. I felt God wanted me to do something new. God moved me to start reading and writing like never before. I became disciplined in reading the Bible every morning, then writing a blog post geared towards entrepreneurship as it relates to God.

I’ve never stopped this habit I formed during a rough time of waiting on God for my next business move.

As entrepreneurs, every day our lives are changing. Our relationships in the marketplace change. Our products and services change. We even change inside. As Godpreneurs, we are constantly being transformed.

Amidst the tumultuous changes in our lives, what can we do to weather the storm? How can we get better while seemingly everything around us is getting worst?

Jesus says in John 15:1-4,

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Grape vines don’t think in the offseason “oh man, this stinks, I have no fruit.” They are cool, calm and collected knowing that their due time is right around the corner. And as this parable points out, God wants to use the season of waiting to make us better for next season.

There’s nothing wrong with change in business, but as we are discovering and living out our entrepreneurial purpose while waiting on God, there are some things that we need to do so God can bear more fruit through us and into the marketplace.

You are creative. You can get creative while discovering your purpose. Maybe it’s not starting a blog like I did. Maybe you pick up photography or painting. Maybe you’ll build something. What are you passionate about? While you are waiting for God to cause you and your business to walk fully in your purpose, do what you’re passionate about.

I took up reading and writing. I had never done that before. It’s likely the thing God wants you to do is something that you’ve never done before. Pray for God to do a new thing in you so that you. This will cause you to not be stuck in the same place in your business forever. Your purpose in entrepreneurship is about more than you do what makes you comfortable. You have to step up your creative mind and step out of your comfort lane. Like the grape vines, let the warm joy and love of God become a part of your business life. Take time to focus on helping others or volunteering. But don’t try to duplicate somebody else’s purpose. Just because I wrote a blog doesn’t mean that you have to, too. Just be yourself. Listen to the voice of God and allow Him to lead you and guide you in your entrepreneurial purpose.

God wants us to live out our business purpose to the fullest, to experience the most of the Godpreneur life, to have a fresh experience of the good life every single day.


How Godpreneurs Wait

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