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Help a Million to Make a Million

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

I once heard wise advice that I’ll never forget: Do you want to make a million dollars? Then figure out how to help a million people.

Let’s break this down.

Notice that I must FIRST be thinking of helping and serving others, before myself. That sounds like the Gospel.

Second, notice that I must care more about someone else’s success than my own. It’s almost like MY success shouldn’t matter. It’s as if MY success is entirely insignificant because my total focus and joy should come from helping someone else.

But… it’s not always the case…right?

For me, not even 25% of the time…unfortunately.

I’ve gotten better over the years, but there were times in my life where I viewed money and resources entirely opposite to how God wanted me to see them. At one point, money validated my existence. It validated my Ivy League education. It validated if my dad (earth dad) would think I was successful. It proved what others thought of me and my business’s success.

Money was an opportunity for me to prove myself to all the doubters and haters on my business.

God inspects the way we Godpreneurs manage our money.

Our motives as Christian Entrepreneurs will determine the stewardship of resources.

But if we were honest with ourselves, we often mismanage resources because of fear, and in return, we lose it all. Like me, you’ve probably been on the rollercoaster ride of having a lot, then losing it, then gaining it back, only to lose it again.

How do we stop the ups and downs of money? How can we create a life of financial stability, where our needs are met, and our hearts are content in our businesses?

The bible says

"A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart." (Proverbs 21:2 NIV)

As a human, your heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah 17:9). The “why” and “what” of your action in business is founded on an insecure heart that tries to portray someone you aren’t….to people that don’t matter.

The reason God blesses Godpreneurs is so that you can be a blessing to others, not a stumbling block to yourself and your business. Therefore, your motives for receiving money will determine your attitude towards others when you have money.

We Godpreneurs must be only motivated by serving others. It’s the new greatest commandment Jesus brought to tell us. It’s the entire shift of the Gospel. It’s the foundation of Christianity, thus the foundation of our businesses.

We can practice this by being motivated to serve

  1. Prospects

  2. Clients

  3. Our employees

  4. Friends

  5. Family (not your wife and children)

  6. Business partners

  7. Orphan children

  8. Etc.

  9. Etc.

Pick anyone except yourself to be motivated by!

The reason I said “not your wife and children” is that they are an extension of you. You are one with them. Therefore to serve them is to serve yourself and thus defeats this entire purpose of serving others.

Imagine if we were all motivated to help others have money. This would be so significant to God. Then God would have no choice but to let you manage more of HIS money so you can help others.

Godpreneur Rule:  God can trust me and my business.  I examine my motives so I can be a blessing to many.


Attracting Money In Your Business, God's Way

Educate yourself and prepare your business to steward the financial blessings God has in store for you.


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