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God’s Right On Time: Part 3 – Launch in 2 Days

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Feb 11, 2021

I’ve got a client that when he calls, I immediately drop what I’m doing to pick up his call and get him what he needs. He’s an excellent paying customer that relies on me to come through for him in a pinch.

Several times he needed some branding work turned around in only a few days. My entire team and I would pause what we were doing to be this client’s superhero.

This client (figuratively speaking) thinks I’m Jesus and that I walk on water! He talks me up to all of his contacts, and I receive great referrals from him. He’s encouraged me and helped me grow, and I’m blessed to have him as a faithful client.

God’s the same with all of us entrepreneurs when He gives us instructions. His timing, and His desire for us to act immediately directly impact the seen and the unseen things in our business.

When God instructs us to do something in our business, it’s wise to obey what He’s telling us because there’s a reason for His timing and plan.

I’ve written extensively on God’s timing, especially as it relates to the waiting seasons in our businesses. I’ve also written about timing from the perspective of why certain things happen at certain times, and how it’s all part of God plan.

But even within a circumstance or a waiting period, God is still there. He’s still instructing us. We shouldn’t mistake a waiting season for complete silence. God is still asking us to do things and do them immediately.

The Bible is full of examples of faithful believers that, because of their swift and immediate response, God showed up when they needed Him. Rahab didn’t hesitate to help the two spies that Joshua sent in before invading Jericho. For this, God saved her and her entire family. Noah didn’t blink an eye when told to build an ark. For this, God saved him and his whole family (and a boatload of animals).

Jesus says in the bible

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” (John 14:21 NIV)

This verse is a powerful lesson for you as an entrepreneur. God wants to show himself in your life, but commands must be kept. If God says jump, you say ‘how high’? You don’t go and put on your shoes. You don’t look up to see if you’ll bump your head on something. You squat down, engage your butt muscles, and spring up and into action.

It’s because of my “last minute emergency call” client (and several others that did the same thing), I uncovered a great need in the market – Launch in 2 Days. It’s the methodology I came up with whereby a client’s branding is completed in 2 days. Everyone wins. The clients get what they need fast, we produce the best work because we’re focused and deadline-driven, and we get paid well for it.

I believe with all my heart that it was God working through my clients that helped me discover this untapped market in my industry. Usually, things like branding take a long time. Not only does the planning take a while, but there’s already a plate full of client work going on that any rush job would be impossible to do. But my desire to want to please my clients completely and immediately gave way to an innovation that set me in a new direction which God has blessed.

There is power for Godpreneurs in being obedient in God’s timely instructions to us in our businesses.

As we go about our day-to-day business life, don’t hesitate on God’s instructions. There’s a purpose in His plan for your business if you love Him and obey His commands.

Let God even use your clients to teach you the lessons behind acting immediately. It’s our timely obedience that produces fantastic customer service, how much more will our father reward us when we obey Him immediately too!

Imagined if we all followed God’s timely instructions in our businesses? How much further along would we all be!?


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