Desiring Discernment: The Key to God-First Business Success
As a success-driven business owner, I have deep wants and desires around the area of money and wealth. So when I get on social media and see influencers flaunting their “stuff” and I hear business gurus talking about “the 3-step secret to making money on YouTube,” I'm naturally intrigued by it all because it matches my internal wants and desires.
But when I took a break from social media and I substituted that time with more Bible study, the Lord spoke clearly to me that I needed to learn more about the concept of discernment. What the Lord was doing was shifting my wants and desires AWAY from what the world wants, and towards what Christian entrepreneurs should be seeking: Him.
In my previous blog, I laid out the definition of discernment. Essentially, discernment is the ability to approve what God approves for our businesses and reject what He disapproves. It requires us to be spiritually present in our respective marketplaces so we can distinguish between good and evil, wisdom and folly.
And my overall message is that success and prosperity are a byproduct of our ability to discern. If we make success and prosperity our priority over discernment, we get trapped in the overwhelm and confusion of the world's definition of success and prosperity.
In our current business climate dominated by social media channels filled with worldly influencers and business gurus, the need for discernment is more crucial than ever.
How are we able to recognize and approve what God values when we're stuck listening to what the world values?
How do we shift our desires for worldly business success to desiring Him alone?
In the Sermon on the Mound, Jesus gives us clue into the mindset shift that needs to happen. He says “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Many of Jesus' listeners were poor and may have felt they had to focus on making a living back at the farm. They, too, had desires to make money and better their situation. Knowing that these worldly desires would compete with their ability to follow Him, he teaches them that to not be consumed by the worries of the world, but to focus on loving others and living a heavenly life. Jesus promises that if people seek his kingdom first, he will provide for their needs.
Jesus would have been very familiar with Solomon's teachings in proverbs. Solomon lays out a great blueprint for seeking wisdom and understanding. It begins with a father’s plea to his son, urging him to receive and treasure the commandments and to be attentive. The passage emphasizes an if-then relationship: “If you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”
Jesus and Solomon are teaching us God-first business owners the first key to making discernment a priority along our entrepreneurial journey: desire.
We must first, DESIRE discernment over getting fed elsewhere.
The desire for discernment begins with a heart inclined towards wisdom, as highlighted in Proverbs 2: 3-5.
[3] indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, [4] and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, [5] then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
This Wisdom isn’t natural; it’s something we must seek diligently.
It is developed through constant practice, as Hebrews 5:14 indicates, where mature Godpreneurs have their powers of discernment trained by distinguishing good from evil along their daily entrepreneurial journey. This training involves immersing ourselves in God’s Word (optimally, before your workday begins) and applying it daily so we can grow in our ability to perceive entrepreneurship from God’s perspective.
(P.S. why do you think my blog has been called “Daily” Godpreneur since 2014? Because a true reflection of ones “desire” is in his or her DAILY pursuit of the Lord).
Discernment also extends to how we influence others. As business partners, vendors, and managers of our workforce, we are called to instill this value in those we care for and do business with. Proverbs uses the language of a father teaching a son to embrace Wisdom. However, for this teaching to be effective, those being taught must also value and seek wisdom. This mutual pursuit strengthens the bond and enhances the growth in discernment.
Our society often suffers from a false sense of independence, fueled by social media platforms that amplify every voice regardless of wisdom or understanding. Low competence is paired with high confidence, creating a destructive force.
True wisdom, however, recognizes the importance of God-given relationships and responsibilities. It values the input of wise teachers and leaders, grounding our thoughts and actions in Biblical Truth.
To cultivate a desire for discernment, we must
engage deeply with God’s Word daily,
practice its teachings in our day-to-day business dealings, and
respect the wisdom of those entrusted with our spiritual growth.
Imagine if all of us Christian entrepreneurs sought success and prosperity through the desire for discernment instead of searching on social media. If we do, we can navigate the tumultuous waters of our times with clarity and conviction.
Are you diligently seeking wisdom like hidden treasures to bring into your business?
Do you value and respect the guidance of Godly leaders and teachers in your life?
Commit to pursuing discernment with a passionate heart, and encourage your partners, employees, contractors, and - dare I say - even your clients to do the same.
Let us strive to set our approval on what God approves in our business and reject what He disapproves, growing in wisdom and understanding each day.
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