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Deciding What to Cut Out So We Can FINALLY Launch our Christian Blog

Writer's picture: Alex MirandaAlex Miranda

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

One of my biggest struggles in entrepreneurship is getting involved in too many things taking me in too many different directions.

For me, it’s a blessing and a curse.

My gifting is to activate, launch, press play, bring things to life, move forward despite all odds, and go into the unknown in faith.

But if left unchecked, I can easily launch things that are out of line with where God wants me TODAY. I stress the word today because I’ve learned that just because I got a vision doesn’t mean that I need to press play today.

Now I find myself going back and pausing (or even canceling) projects that I feel God may open up opportunities for later on.

Christian entrepreneurs have good intentions or at least some kind of justification for the things we do in business. Most of us have this desire to do more and be more. God is so awesome to us that He’s given us the gift of vision – seeing our future in a different way.

God has also deposited ambition in our hearts to fuel us along the journey of entrepreneurship.

But too many times we take on projects we’re not meant to do right now, sacrificing the launch and focus of our God-First personal brand.  We don’t take the time to really stop, take a time-out, pray about it, sleep on it, or get guidance.

And even though we had good, godly intentions behind our actions, we seem surprised when we find ourselves a long way from our goals and even further from the location where God wanted us to be today.

How can we stop a train that’s already moving?

How can we take time to really know what we’re supposed to focus on today?

How do we develop the skill of easily dropping projects that, if we were honest, probably wasn’t the next step on our Godprenurial journey?

The big changes in our business lives—both negative and positive—happen with a series of decisions we need to make as soon as possible.

The Bible says

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1‭-‬2 NIV)

God’s Word says to “throw off everything that hinders.” Hinders what? Hinders from running the race marked out for us!

You have a calling from God to launch and grow your personal influence in business. He’s waiting to use you. There’s something that God has put on your heart, and although the other things may seem related or a building block, it’s really a distraction that’s entangling you.

When you’re entangled in other projects or businesses not related to your personal brand calling, you’re in sin because it’s disobedience to what God wants you to do TODAY.

I know it’s harsh. It’s harsh for me too. I’m with you on this sin. But when a project, business idea, or job is taking us in a direction we know is moving farther away from the business God has called us to personally do, we need to pause not only to consider the financial and strategic consequences but also to decide to stop traveling in the wrong direction.

How Can We Turn From Non-Calling Projects?

The Bible verse above starts out with “therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses…”

First, we need to realize that God didn’t design entrepreneurship to be a journey you travel on your own. He knew the enemy brings all these distractions and sins along the pilgrimage of your pursuing your personal calling.  

That’s why we have the Holy Spirit, the church, and a series of guides, coaches, consultants, and mentors along with way.  We might need to step toward accountability, a new partnership, or a new place to work from.

Second, we have to “throw off everything that hinders” us from pursuing our calling.  We need to assess what’s taking us in a direction we don’t want to go or that God doesn’t want us to go?

What do you need to stop completely?  What can we stop in order to move you closer to the business God created us to start?

What we need to do to STOP distracting projects is

  1. Take a day or half-day.

  2. Fast and pray for guidance.

  3. Sleep on it.

  4. Get some godly wisdom from business people you trust.

  5. Picture the possible outcomes.

  6. Then, ask yourself, “Is this something I should stop completely?”

The decision we make here is the next stepping-stone toward our destination!. In order to start on the journey of our personal brand calling in business, something else has to stop. It’s likely MANY things have to stop (especially if you’re a freak like me and love to launch things!).

Although the word ‘stopping’ is usually seen as negative, it’s not so negative when we think of stopping to get gas. Stopping can be one of the most productive things we do in business!

When we stop to take inventory of where we are and where we want to go, we can then decide how to move into our calling in business. In other words, stopping actually means stepping in a new direction in our entrepreneurial journey.

What can you stop in order to move you closer to God’s divine direction?.

My prayer for myself and for you is that we stop, repent, and turn away from anything that’s not serving our entrepreneurial calling and return to God and His path for our personal brand.


7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand

There are seven key factors for succeeding at launching the purpose God has placed in your heart for you to fulfill.


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